
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation - IJASI welcomes the original articles / review papers in any dicipline.

Topics: Any Engineering Related Dicipline, Not Limited to below topics ):
Advances in Engineering Software,
Chemical Engineering,Systems and Structures,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
Computers & Electrical Engineering,
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Computers in Industry,
Control Engineering Practice,
Civil Engineering,
Cognition, Cognitive Systems Research, Data & Knowledge Engineering,
Decision Support Systems,
Digital Investigation,
Digital Signal Processing, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
Energy, Industrial Process Monitoring Techniques and Systems,
Manufacturing Technology,
Mechanical Engineering,
Mechanics, Nanotechnology, Nuclear Engineering,
Offshore Engineering, Welding, Info security,
Interacting with Computers, Knowledge-Based Systems,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Materials Science and Engineering, Mechatronics,
Microelectronic Engineering, Microelectronics Reliability,
Microprocessors and Microsystems,
Neural Networks, Neurocomputing, Ocean Modeling,
Optical Switching and Networking, Optics & Laser Technology,
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Parallel Computing,
Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing.